Spanish (Spanish: español / castellano)
is a Romance language that evolved from the Vulgar Latin spoken on the Iberian Peninsula of Europe. Spanish is the official language of 20 countries and is spoken by about 500 million native speakers, making it the world’s second-most spoken native language after Mandarin Chinese.
Below is a list of resources for learning Spanish, tailored to include both beginner and intermediate-level materials, with a balance across language skills.
Textbooks & Grammar Guides
- Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish
- Easy Spanish Step-by-Step
- Assimil – Spanish With Ease
- Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Verb Tenses
- Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners
- Short Stories in Spanish for Intermediate Learners
- 101 Conversations in Simple Spanish
- 101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish
- Complete Spanish Grammar Verbs Vocabulary: 3 Books in 1
- Lonely Planet Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary
- Barron’s 501 Spanish Verbs
- A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish
- Duolingo (for getting your feet wet)
- Busuu (a comprehensive course)
- Babbel (a comprehensive course)
- LingoDeer (a comprehensive course)
- Seedlang (a good allround course)
- LingQ (really good for reading)
- Mondly (for learning phrases)
- Story Learning: Spanish Courses (learn Spanish through stories)
- Memrise (vocabulary builder / for learning phrases)
- Drops (vocabulary builder)
- SpanishDict (the best Spanish dictionary app/website)
- ConjuGato – Android | Apple (good for conjugation practice)
YouTube Channels
- Easy Spanish
- Butterfly Spanish
- Dreaming Spanish
- Why Not Spanish?
- Spanish and Go
- Hola Spanish
- Español con Juan
- No Hay Tos
- Mexican Fluency
- Clases con Clau
- Noticias Telemundo
- BBC Mundo
- DW Documental
- DW Español
- Noticias Caracol
- RTVE Noticias
- Conjuguemos
- SpanishDict
- Spanish Language & Culture
- Practical Spanish
- DW en español
- Euronews en español
- BBC News Mundo
- Noticias Telemundo CNN Espaõl
- Noticias Telemundo