French (French: français / langue française)
is a Romance language that evolved from Gallo-Romance (the Vulgar Latin spoken in Northern Gaul). French is an official language in 27 countries, as well as one of the most geographically widespread languages in the world, with about 50 countries and territories having it as an official, administrative, or cultural language.
Below is a list of resources for learning French, tailored to include both beginner and intermediate-level materials, with a balance across language skills.
Textbooks & Grammar Guides
- Easy French Step-by-Step
- Assimil: French With Ease
- Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French All-in-One
- English Grammar for Students of French: The Study Guide for Those Learning French
- 2000 Most Common French Words in Context
- Conversations in French: Beginner to Advanced!
- Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French All-in-One
- Practice Makes Perfect: French Verb Tenses
- Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs
- Schaum’s Outline of French Grammar
- Duolingo (for getting your feet wet)
- Busuu (a comprehensive course)
- Babbel (a comprehensive course)
- LingQ (really good for reading)
- Mondly (for learning phrases)
- Story Learning: French Courses
- Memrise (vocabulary builder / for learning phrases)
- Drops (vocabulary builder)
YouTube Channels
- Easy French
- French Comprehensible Input
- The Perfect French with Dylane
- Français avec Pierre
- Guillaume Posé
- Learn French with TinTin playlist
- France 24
- Euronews (en français)